Vegan Lemon Cream Cake

If you love lemon, this cake will make your “Top 3 cake recipes… ever” list and you don’t even have to be a vegan! In fact, I’m pretty sure there are at least two people out there who ate this cake and had no idea it was devoid of animal products, the crumb is so perfect and the “cream cheese” frosting makes it so moist, and that’s what makes it one of my new favorite cakes. I don’t think I’m actually going to tell them it was vegan. They’ll find out if they read this post.

If you love lemon, this cake will make your “Top 3 cake recipes… ever” list and you don’t even have to be a vegan! In fact, I’m pretty sure there are at least two people out there who ate this cake and had no idea it was devoid of animal products, the crumb is so perfect and the “cream cheese” frosting makes it so moist, and that’s what makes it one of my new favorite cakes. I don’t think I’m actually going to tell them it was vegan. They’ll find out if they read this post.

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